Saturday, January 12, 2008

Giving - Part 2

This morning I was all set to log into Kiva and find some chickens to buy or a pharmacy to fund or something cool like that. The average Kiva lender has 2.2 loans in his/her portfolio and I only have 2. This one guy (a property tax consultant by day and sax player by night in Chicago) has 94. Anyway...when I logged in, Kiva said there were no businesses to fund. According to a banner running on the Web page the impact this week was: "3.3 hours to fully fund a business, 473 businesses funded, $322,325 loaned, 8208 new lenders, and 341 businesses finished paying back loans." So I took myself over to, also on my 43 Things list, which is a site where teachers register project proposals, request funds, and people fund those specific projects. The other day I finished off a proposal that had been on there since May and had 12 days left. I like searching for projects that just need a little bit of money to complete them and then I can swoop in and save them. Today I bought violins in NC, books for an Ancient Civ. class in Chicago, and book storage for a 1st year special ed. teacher in the Bronx. Donorschoice is neat because it maintains an account for you of the number of students and classroom hours you impact, the locations, types of students by economic need, etc. you are helping. Unlike, all donations to Donorschoice are tax deductible. So far I have funded 4 projects and impacted 87 students and 1075 hours of learning.

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