Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Were They Thinking?

One of my tasks is technology instruction for the patrons and to that end, I have created a series of workshops designed to introduce patrons to computers, the Internet, and searching the Web. As I taught my series, helped patrons from the desk, and offered other bibliographic and technology instruction in different formats I realized that I needed to write a new workshop that was even more simple. I've been writing the Seriously Simple Computer Skills class to cover the basics. So I sat looking at my keyboard attempting to place myself in the place of the truly misplaced...there is no "Any" key, "dot" is the period key, "at" is above the 2, you get to the above things by holding down the Shift key...But yesterday I encountered something that was truly astounding and represents a decided lack of understanding about Web sites. Not only that, how is it possible that this person had never, ever, heard or seen this (what I will share in a moment) ever before? My patron had been sent to the library by his employer to retrieve his own W2 online. Typical. The Web site he had written down (that was told to him) that he could not access was:
http cohen //
Get it? http about semi-cohen or cohenoscopy, does that help? Jeepers. Patrons say the darnedest things. My next workshop may have to be on an Etch-A-Sketch or Magna Doodle.

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