Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This Really Happened-Just now

Patron: The machine wouldn't let, I couldn' know...get on
Me: Let me check your card. What PIN were you using?
Patron: So the other lady what was here...
Me: What PIN did you try?
Patron: That other lady said I could get on a computer.
Me: What PIN did you try to use?
Patron: PIN?
Me: What is your phone number?
Patron: So the thing is that my sister's number might be it.
Me: What is your name?
Patron: I have alot of phone numbers.
Patron: [states name that matches card]
Me: What is the phone number?
Patron: [states number that is not in the record]
Me: What is Your number, I'll update your record.
Patron: [gives me last 4 numbers only]
Me: What is the beginning of the number?
Patron: 239
Me: [I chuckle] "hi, you're nice what's your number?... and you say?" [patron finally gets it and gives me a normal number in the proper order]


1 comment:

Sallyb said...

Ha! If only you'd spent 10 years at New England Telephone. You'd have been totally prepared for that.......Don't forget, there's a full moon under those clouds. I swear, it matters.