Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas Shopping

This past weekend I went on the annual Christmas shopping trip to Orlando with the Queen of TR and Grannie Annie. We had a blast. The outlets were crowded and so were the malls. I have oodles of empathy for the hearing aid-wearers who have problems in crowds and loud places with echoes. I had to put an earplug in on several occasions or leave a store because the sounds were too intense. We went to the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and saw the lighting of Cinderella's Castle with the icicle lights. I know I mentioned it last year, but the enhancement of the castle with the ice is spectacular! On Wednesday I had a follow-up appointment with the ENT and audiologist and I have improvement. Word recognition is back to normal from 10%. Low tones have hit the normal zone and mid tones are almost there. High tones still score as moderate to severe loss. So I have room to improve, but, having improved means I'm not in the percentage who won't improve. In 10 days I'll be retested and I'll have the ear injection again and we'll keep watching.

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