Saturday, April 12, 2008

Birthday Candles

So the final countdown to 40 has begun. At 3:47 p.m. on Monday I will officially cross the line. I am really looking forward to Tuesday because then I will be "a day over 40" as in "you don't look a day over 40." I have been cracking myself up over that for 3 days. As is my way, I have been feel grateful lately. I have mentioned before that my Grandmom used to tell me I was a, "lucky, lucky girl" and she was right. She had no idea I would always be so.

This week I received packets from with feedback from two of the teachers I sponsored. The projects were Kid Friendly Science and starting a middle school violin program. I think I blogged about this organization and the work it does. Teachers apply for grants and people (citizen philanthropists) send money to fulfill all or part of the request. The Web site is neat because you have a portfolio and there are charts and graphs. I have sponsored 7 projects, impacted 277 students, and 1430 hours of learning. The packets I received this week included letters from the teachers, notes and cards from the children in the classes, and photographs of the children using the microscopes and violins. The letters from the kids were totally sweet, of course, and the photos were fun. The schools are classed as 85% poverty so I felt really good. Plus, the Fort Myers Friends sponsor my activities and helping another group balanced things for me, sort of on a global level.

I have already begun receiving birthday presents. How I love! Mostly I am receiving video games. How cool is it to be turning 40 and getting video games? Actually, I had determined a while back that I would take 40 as 21+13+6 so the video games cover the 13 and going out with my friends is fine under the 21. A bunch of us all have the Nintendo DS Lite hand-held gaming console and have been playing up a storm. We can play with each other and against each other because they link wirelessly. The other fun thing they can do is called Pictochat, which is a type of wireless chatroom. They work from cubicle to cubicle and all throughout the Reference Workroom. It is AWESOME!!! Life is good.
My Nintendo DS in Crimson and Black

So I feel very fortunate. I have great friends. Better friends, on the whole, than I have ever had, great toys, and am poised to blow out birthday candles wishing more for others than for myself. Lucky, lucky girl.

Next about my ALA and my summer vacation.

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